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How our Craftsman frames are made

About 5 years ago, Mark from Knox Wood Creations made a frame for his Knoxville Neighborhood Map to hang in his home. He posted it on Instagram, not thinking too much about it, and pretty soon I messaged him back saying, "Nice frame! Can you make more of those?!"

After collaborating on a few prototypes, the Craftsman Frame was born. Thousands of frames later, Mark still makes these frames by hand out of his home studio. His Etsy shop has taken off as well, and if you need custom sizes for any artwork in your home, be sure to reach out to him!

Mark uses solid walnut and oak wood that is locally and sustainably sourced. No composite wood here! The frame stock is cut or "ripped" on his table saw to create the frame profile.

The frame stock is then cut to size with a miter saw, glued, and clamped to dry.

The corners are then nailed with a V-shaped frame nailer, and a channel is cut on each corner to add the accent wood spline, which also helps with overall strength.

After the frames are fully constructed, it's time for finish sanding by hand.

A natural, non-toxic finish is placed on the frame to bring out the woodgrain and protect it for years to come.

Just like an old craftsman home, the classic design and solid construction of these frames will stand the test of time and provide a modern, warm accent for your home.

Check out our Craftsman Frames here, or you can find Knox Wood Creations website for more here.

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